Your Mind is Everything....So Don't Lose it
A smile can cover up all the pain that someone is hiding which could be you or a friend that may appear to be fine, but they are not. Most celebrities do it since they are in the limelight, and a few have committed suicide because of what they were hiding which was depression. Mental health is something we need to take care of to feel better and do better. When depression happens you don't feel like you are worth anything, and you sure don't feel like doing anything, usually you lay there, and let time go by. I've had my share of depression, but not to the point of not feeling worth it, usually it will just happen if something negative has interfered in my life,but I always say "I can't stay in my funk". I actually struggle with anxiety which gets the best of me sometimes, it's only if I overthink situations to the point I can get beside myself such as frustration, stress, and then it turns into tears. A few years ago I needed to take control because I started to have panic attacks which were not good, and that's when I started to grow more spiritually in Christ such as praying, reading devotions, writing, and doing yoga has calmed me as well. Now, I still have anxiety, but I know when it creeps up to steal my joy, so I just start praying and asking God to take the feeling away, then poof it goes away. I am telling you all this because you don't have to stay in your depression, anxiety, or any mental illness you have, it is possible to get out. To start the process is not easy, you need to get out the bed, next if it is serious go to the doctor and have someone go with you for support, then find activities or join groups to stay focus. The key is keeping your mind healthy so if something starts to stress you out, you have support or the activity to help maintain the positive in your life for when you have one of those days. Trust me it's not easy, but it's better to have peace then chaos in your head. So please know you are worth it, you are going to get through it. Just breathe and take your time.
This topic came about because I know in your twenties we have those dark days, we get confused about our next move, and hey life is hard no matter what stage of you are in right now. I wanted to open up about my struggles with anxiety, and now it's time for you to open up or to simply make that step.
This topic came about because I know in your twenties we have those dark days, we get confused about our next move, and hey life is hard no matter what stage of you are in right now. I wanted to open up about my struggles with anxiety, and now it's time for you to open up or to simply make that step.
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