Don't Stop, get it get it!
The familiar 90's chant "Don't stop get it get it" can mean you are dancing and feeling the music or you are shouting it out on the dance floor. Well I am not using that example in the scenario today LOL. I am using the phrase to get your attention to think about what you've tried to stop in your life that didn't need to be stopped. I feel the phrase speaks volumes to keep pressing and moving toward what you are trying to achieve. I have been discouraged about my blog thinking no one would read it or no one would simply like it. Though,a lot of you have proved me wrong, now I would love more support, but I had to understand it's not about other people it's about what makes me (you) happy. Whatever you are trying to pursue, just do it, and never let someone tell you otherwise. Usually what stops us is ourselves because you talk yourself into thinking you can't do something or you feel inadequate. Basically it's the fact that we look at what someone else is doing, they could have a bigger following or financially stable. Anything can make us stop in our tracks and give up, but you have to fight it and win. I for one had to fight and keep writing, keep applying for internships, and keep working because nothing just falls in your lap. So...
1. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, that's just what appears to be, so stop looking, and start doing!
2. Don't get distracted, keep focus!
3. Don't stop, get it get it!
1. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, that's just what appears to be, so stop looking, and start doing!
2. Don't get distracted, keep focus!
3. Don't stop, get it get it!
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